Doing the same things over and over and getting the same results? Think about some new ways of getting things done. Maybe some of these ideas are not new, but it is good to be reminded of them. To get you started here are 5 tips to improve time organizational skills that I use to get more done in a shorter amount of time including a two-step method that I call the “List and Calendar Method.”
1) Create a list of things you want to get done. (List)
Step one: Have a pad of paper or use your electronic device. Every time you think of something you want to get done, just jot it down or input it into your device.
2) Set deadlines (Calendar)
Step two: Look at the list and transfer each item of the “to do” list to your calendar. Find a time you can actually get it done. If you don’t see a time you can get it done now, keep it on your list and keep looking for a place to put in on the calendar. Keep your list and each time you get one of the items on you list done, cross it off or delete it from your “to do” list. I like seeing the crossed off items. It makes me feel as though I got something done.
Looking at the list can be something to look forward to instead of something to avoid. Each time you put something on the list, transfer it to the calendar. Each time you add something to the list, you will have time to look at the list and see how far you are coming along. It has a life of its own. It can become fun and almost a game of getting it all done.
3) Stop multitasking
With this Two step process of List and Calendar, you will not be multitasking. It is impossible to actually multitask. You can really only focus on one thing at a time. With the items on the calendar, each “to do” item will have its own spot on the calendar.
4) Delegate responsibility
Schedule things on your “to do” list for other people to do for you. Hire a person to come in and clean or to take your car and get it washed. It will save you time in the end.
5) Reward yourself
Schedule a reward for yourself on the calendar. You deserve to have something to look forward to for doing such a great job of getting so much done in such an organized way. Great job! It is a new way of life to make getting things done fun.
Sometimes it is easier to get some tips and then try them. Jog your brain and let some ideas settle in. I hope these tips will help you improve your time organizational skills. It surely helps me!