Early bird gets the worm…. I am very fortunate to have clients that schedule fairly far in advance. I also have personal appointments that I like to schedule ahead of time. These days, there are many ways to make appointments. Just to name a few, you can text, phone in, send an email, and many businesses are offering online scheduling as well. With the dizzying array of options, which one is the best?
Sometimes a client has to rearrange his/her appointment, which leaves a hole in my schedule. So I put the word out to clients that have expressed an interest in any openings that become available. Over time I have learned to make an effort to find out how people like to be contacted. For those that like email, I email them, for those that like texting, I text them, and for those that like a phone call, I call. The challenge is when more than one of them wants the newly available spot. The first one that contacts me, gets the appointment. Some people wait for days to email me back and by then the spot is taken. I feel badly that there is not an appointment for them.
For my own personal appointments, I ask the service provider to contact me if there is an opening or if something comes up that effects the appointment, such as they are unable to be there etc.. If they have to get in touch with me, I am reachable by text, phone and email, but I prefer texting me. I check my phone on a regular basis and it is a visual for me. Everyone is different at all ages as far as the method they want to be reached.
I know there is online scheduling, and even that has it drawbacks. If there is a glitch in the service, it is good the service provider knows the best way to reach the client. I think it is good to have a conversation about this with my clients and with my personal service providers.
While there may not be one method that will work for everyone, there are certainly many options one can choose. But no matter which one you choose, make sure you do it ahead of time. That way if there is an appointment you want, you will be the early bird.